Procurement #░░P 15/2░░░

Purchase object

Procurement and Support of the PADS4 Video and digital signage solution (Smart Displays) for 34 SARS Branches

Initial and final price

Not specified



Winner selected



GX Connect (Pty) Ltd t/a Gaproc Media
No address information


Additional Information

Regions National
Purchase method Request for Bid(Open-Tender)


SARS RFP 15-2021 1-0 Invitation Letter.pdf SARS RFP 15-2021 1-1 Procurement and Support of the PADS4 Video and digital signage solution.pdf SARS RFP 15-2021 2-1 Invitation to Bid (SBD 1).docx SARS RFP 15-2021 2-2 Declaration of Interest (SBD 4).doc SARS RFP 15-2021 2-3 Preference Points Claim Form (SBD 6.1).docx SARS RFP 15-2021 2-4 Declaration of Past SCM Practices (SBD 8).doc SARS RFP 15-2021 2-5 Certificate of Independent Bid Determination (SBD 9).doc SARS RFP 15-2021 2-6 Supplier Cost and Risk Assessment Questionnaire.pdf SARS RFP 15-2021 2-7 SARS Oath - Affirmation of Secrecy.pdf SARS RFP 15-2021 3-1 Procurement and Support of the PADS4 Video and digital signage solution.pdf SARS RFP 15-2021 3-2 Appendix A Site List.xlsx SARS RFP 15-2021 4-1 Mandatory Response Template for the Procurement and Support of the PADS4 Video and digital signage solution.docx SARS RFP 15-2021 5-1 Price Template PADS4 Vdeo Digital Signage Solution.xlsx
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