Dimension Data




B.G.M CampbellEmail:N/aTelephone Number:N/aFax number:N/aContact Person:Athanasios OEmail:N/aTelephone Number:N/aFax number:N/aContact Person:J.JohnEmail:N/aTelephone Number:N/aFax number:N/aContact Person:F.ZellahEmail:N/aTelephone Number:N/aFax number:N
SAMRC Supply chaim management department
J Ord, Z Fuphe, G Bodley, A Missaikos, M Ngoasheng, S Sebotsa
Zellah Fuphe,Moses Modidima Ngoasheng,Jeremy John Ord,Sonja Emilia Ncumisa Sebotsa,Grant Martin Campbell Bodley,Athanasios Misaikos

Information obtained from official sources and provided in accordance with the law